Dr. Wagdy Sawahel is senior lead consultant and advisor with more than 15 years of experiences in higher education, science, technology, innovation, and knowledge economy. At present, he is associate research professor at the national research center, Cairo/Egypt, the founder and general coordinator for IsDB Alumni & science development network, the founder of COMSTECH's virtual incubator for science-based business, and International associate at the UAE-based Center for Learning Innovation and Customized Knowledge Solutions.
He acted as consultant, advisor and reviewer for projects in regional and international organizations including United Nation Development Programe (UNDP), The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), IsDB, COMSTECH, UNESCO, "ALECSO", Observatory on education at the ministry of education, Saudi Arabia, UAE-based, Arab Foundation for Science and Technology, Qatar National Research Fund, Oman's Science Council, Poland's National Science Center and Open University of China which published his 2021 book entitled "Open universities in the Arab world : present development & future prospects"
He has published about 700 reports focusing on higher education development in the Middle East and Africa. Besides being the general editor of international series of biotechnology with "6 books" under his name, he is also the author of the first Arabic encyclopedia in genetic engineering “15 books”.
He has obtained 2020 Labour Migration Reporting Award, 2019 first runner-up of Continental Journalism Award , 2010 IsDB excellent leadership award, 2005 Distinguished Scholar Award , 1994 State scientific encouragement prize , 1998 TWAS prize, 1999 Zahran scientific culture prize , 1998 NRC scientific encouragement prize.
National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza 12, Egypt